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True Sioux Hope Foundation is committed to helping the Sioux nation survive and thrive. In addition to supporting the positive growth of the Sioux on Pine Ridge, we at True Sioux Hope Foundation support those who believe in bringing positive change to Pine Ridge and others around them.

In our research, we’ve found organizations out there just like us. They have a strong desire to, not only bring light to certain issues, but also do something about it! These organizations reinforce positive images and environments for other Native American nations alike by sharing news, views, culture, history and humor.

10 Handles to Follow on Twitter:

  1. @WereNIEA - The National Indian Education Association is the leading education advocate for American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian students.

  2. @CSORG - Cultural Survival is a global leader in the fight to protect Indigenous lands, languages, and cultures around the world.

  3. @FNDI303 - First Nations Development Institute works to restore control and culturally compatible stewardship of Native assets to Native American communities across the U.S.

  4. @NativeVoices - Devoted to developing and producing new works for the stage by Native American playwrights.

  5. @FirstPeoples – First Peoples mission is to build upon a foundation of Indigenous values to achieve a sustainable future for all.

  6. @indiancountry - Indian Country Today Media Network provides news coverage for Native Americans regarding culture, education, pow wows, genealogy and classifieds.

  7. @LakotaLands- Lakota Lands is dedicated to recovering and defending Native American lands and sovereignty, bison restoration, and cultural self-determination

  8. @SpiritPineRidge – A Native American service organization founded to assist and support American Indians with current focus on Reservations in South Dakota.

  9. @NativeChildren- NICWA is a national voice for American Indian children and families, and is a comprehensive source of information on American Indian child welfare.

  10. @NCAI1944- Founded in 1944, the National Congress of American Indians is the oldest, largest and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native organization in the country.

Five Pages to Follow on Facebook:

  1. Native Americans for Community Action Inc. - Native Americans for Community Action, Inc. (NACA,Inc.) is a health and human services provider, that specializes in prevention and wellness.

  2. YaNative – YaNative is the largest social media network that is dedicated to Native America.

  3. Native Americans From All Nations – A Facebook page dedicated to Native Americans.

  4. Native Americans: Keeping Traditions Alive - A photography project with a visual story of Native Americans with an emphasis on heritage, tradition and connection to the land.

  5. Native American Rights Movement - The N.A.R.M. is an activist organization comprised of indigenous and non-native people. It is this organization’s goal to protect Native peoples and secure their futures.

Top Five Blogs to Read:

  1. GoodFox - Julia Fox writes about pop culture, culture in general, Indian Country, politics, and higher education.

  2. Native Partnership – Partnership with Native Americans is a nonprofit organization committed to championing hope for a brighter future for Native Americans living on remote, isolated and impoverished reservations. Collaborating for 25 years with reservation partners, Native Partnership provides consistent aid and services for Native Americans with the highest need in the U.S.

  3. Native Appropriations - Native Appropriations is a forum for discussing representations of Native peoples, including stereotypes, cultural appropriation, news, activism, and more.

  4. Native American Blog - This blog is designed for those who are seeking truth of the First American Culture helping readers to understand who and why the First American is the same as everyone else and also why they are unique in our greater society.

  5. YaNative – This blog is dedicated to Native Americans by providing articles, images and legends.

There are many organizations, like True Sioux Hope Foundation, who are dedicated to bringing positive change to Native American communities. They do this by connecting the past and present to make for a better future. True Sioux Hope Foundation, with the help of supporters and the media, will continue to raise awareness of the conditions in Pine Ridge and help create new opportunities to make an impactful change cultivating a life of self-respect and self-sufficiency.

In addition to these wonderful accounts, feel free to check us out on social media if you haven’t already! You can like us on Facebook at True Sioux Hope Foundation and follow us on Twitter@TrueSiouxHope. Also, don’t forget to check out our LinkedIn!

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