Unknown to most, the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota is a community unlike any other in the country. With more than 97 percent of the population living in poverty, an infant mortality rate 300% over the national average, and an annual income between $2,600 and $3,500, the Sioux Tribe is in need of a sustainable solution to preserve the tradition and pride of the tribe. Pine Ridge Indian Reservation has limited technology, employment opportunities, and outside support, or even knowledge of its living conditions. The True Sioux Hope Foundation firmly believes that with a little help, strength, and support from individuals just like you, the Sioux nation can once again thrive. There are many ways in which we can all help put this nation back on its feet, and facilitate permanent and positive change for the future. Through donations to immediate assistance, sustainability, and education, the Sioux Tribe can preserve its legacy.
Donating to the immediate assistance fund will save the life of the reservation’s most vulnerable struggling right this very second. With extreme weather in the winter months reaching -50°F and lower, elderly are all too often found deceased from hypothermia. Donating to this fund will bring firewood to the most vulnerable of the Sioux tribe, giving instant relief. A simple donation of $200 would provide enough firewood to an entire elderly tribe member for a whole month. As another immediate need, babies on the reservation are in need of lifesaving formula. Donating just $50.00 will provide enough formula to feed one child for 30 days, giving the tribe a better chance at changing the infant mortality rate, among the worst in the world.
One of the long-term goals of True Sioux Hope Foundation is to provide sustainable solutions to the tribe. In order to provide sustainability, the foundation aims to raise $25,000 to purchase a 16-passenger van to drive members to and from workforce sites. With no reliable public or private transportation available, a gift toward the purchase of the van would help get us closer to lowering the more than 90 percent unemployment rate on the reservation.
Another goal of the foundation is to build a children’s school on the reservation. By fostering an education for the next generation, we can inspire them to build a sustainable income and create jobs, framing a brighter future for the forthcoming generations to follow.
By donating to the True Sioux Hope Foundation, you can make an immediate and lasting effect in the lives of the nearly 20,000 Pine Ridge Reservation residents. Please consider making a donation now. Even the smallest contribution can mean the difference between life and death for members of the Sioux Tribe.